
Action / Skill
One / Two Player

SMASH! POW! CRUNCH! A brick wall appears at the top of the screen, and your mission is to smash two walls off the playfield - one brick at a time.
Use the controller to move the paddle across the bottom of the screen. With the paddle, hit the ball into the wall. Each time the ball hits a brick, the brick disappears and you score points.
A player or team receives five balls per game. When you miss a ball with your paddle, the ball disappears from the screen. Press the red controller button to serve another ball until all five balls are played.
When a team or player destroys the first brick wall, a second brick
wall automatically appears on the screen. Continue to hit the bricks
of this wall and score more points. The player or team who can destroy
two walls scores the maximum 864 points and wins the game.
NOTE: If both opponents destroy the two walls, the team who used the
least number of balls wins.
At the end of two-team games, the playfield of both teams or players will flash on and off the screen. That way, players can compare scores. Begin a new game and create a new brick wall by pressing the console Reset button.
To Serve the Ball:
Press the red controller button and the ball will appear.
To Move the Paddles:
Turn the controller knob. Turn it clockwise to move the paddle to the
right; turn it counter clockwise to move the paddle to the left.
To Steer the Balls:
Some Breakout and Breakthru games will feature Steerable Balls. In
these games you can control the direction of the control knob
clockwise to move the ball to the right; turn it counter clockwise to
move the ball to the left.
To Catch the Ball:
Some Breakout and Breakthru games feature Catch. When the ball makes
contact with your paddle, press the red controller. Continue to press
the button and the ball will remain on the paddle, allowing you more
time to carefully aim your shots. To release the ball, release the red
controller button.
In some games, a player scores points by hitting one of the wall's bricks. The bricks are worth points. The number of points is determined by the brick's color:
Red - 7 points Orange -
7 points Green - 4 points
Aqua - 1 point Yellow -
4 points Blue - 1 point
The first player or team to completely destroy both walls OR score the most points after playing five balls wins the game. Score the maximum number of points, 864, when you destroy both walls.
In other games, you must rely on the speed of your game skill. A timer records the cumulative minutes and seconds of each of your turns during a game. The team or player who destroys both walls with five balls in the least amount of time with five balls wins the game.
Using a controller, players attempt to smash their way through the
wall and score points.
This game features Steerable Balls so you can make every hit count.
Take a breather. This game features Catch, which gives you time to
plan your strategy and aim.
Don't blink. The only time you'll see your Breakout wall is when the
bail hits a brick. The rest of the time you're playing Breakout in the
The pressure is on. The Timer at the top of the piayfield will record
the time it takes you to complete a Breakout.
The Timer provides the suspense. The Steerable Balls provide some of
strategy moves you'll make during this game.
How long does it take? The Timer in this game will slowly tickaway the
seconds as you aim your balls with Catch.
The wall lights up only when you hit a brick. Then you're playing In
the dark again as the Timer records your game time.
POW! POW! POW! Make a direct hit on a brick and the ball continues
traveling through the wall in this basic Breakthru.
Steerable missiles increase your control over the ball during this
fast game of Breakthru.
Slow the action down with Catch in this Breakthru game.
The Breakthru wall only appears when you hit a brick. During any other
game play it's invisible.
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