
Single Player

Dare you explore a Haunted House as you set out to recover three pieces of a magic urn that are scattered throughout the mansion and return them to the main entrance.
There are four floors, and each floor has six rooms. The floors are connected by staircases and the rooms are connected by corridors and doorways. Some of the doors are locked so find the master key which is also hidden in the mansion.
Finding the urn wouldn't be so difficult, except that the mansion is dark. To enable you to see your way around, we have provided an unlimited supply of MATCHES, which you light by pressing the red controller button.
Now that you know that you must use matches, we want to warn you about the creatures you'll encounter as you stumble through the mansion. Be prepared to see hairy tarantulas, a vampire bat, and the ghost of old man Graves. Every time one of these creatures touches you, you'll be "scared to death", and consequently lose a life.

The information at the bottom of the play screen indicates the following:
Bottom Right Number = LIVES REMAINING
Bottom Left Number = MATCHES USED
Bottom Middle/Right Icon = OBJECT INVENTORY
Bottom Middle/Left Number = FLOOR No.
In order to pick up an object, simply touch it and it will be placed into your inventory. However, you cannot carry two items at the same time, so if you are holding an object whilst touching another, the objects will swap places and your carried object will be dropped.
URN: The urn is broken into three pieces. (Note, a match must be lighted to see all objects including the urn pieces.) Urn pieces will automatically attach when touching a piece whilst holding a piece.
SCEPTER: The scepter is a magic stick used to make you invisible to all creatures in the mansion. As long as you hold the scepter you cannot be 'scared to death'.
MASTER KEY: Some doors in the mansion are locked. To unlock these you must find the master key and touch the door whilst holding it.

Your score is based on the number of matches you use and the number of lives you have left at the end of the game. The game ends when you return to the main entrance of the mansion carrying the urn, or when all 9 lives are lost.
Matches used are counted at the lower, left corner of the screen. The first number to appear here is 00. The number then increases by one each time you light a match. The lower the number, the better your score.
Each game starts with 9 lives, indicated at the bottom, right corner of the screen. Every time you are "scared to death" you lose one life. The higher the number of lives left at the end of the game, the better. As your playing skill improves, you'll be able to find the urn faster, and use fewer matches and fewer lives.
Game 1 is the beginning level. It includes lighted walls to help you
see the rooms. There are no doors, so no key is required, but you do
need to light matches to see objects.
In Game 2, the mansion is all dark, and there are unlocked doors.
Game 3 is like Game 2 except that some doors are locked, but you'll
find the master key in the first room you enter.
Game 4 is the same as Game 3 except that the master key is in a
different location each time the game is played.
In Game 5, everything is the same as Game 4, but there are two
additional tarantulas chasing you.
In Game 6, all five creatures can chase you from room to room. Only
the ghost can pass through a locked door.
In Game 7, if you are touched by the bat, any object you are holding
will be dropped and moved to another room in the mansion.
Game 8 is the same as Game 7, but all of the creatures move faster,
and to make things even tougher, the ghost is not affected by the
This is the ultimate HAUNTED HOUSE challenge. Game 9 has the same game
play as Game 8, but this time the floorplan is different and you'll
find yourself in a completely different maze of rooms. For an added
element of surprise, all 5 creatures can chase you from room to room,
even through locked doors.
Use the GAME SELECT switch to select the game number you wish to play.
Hold the switch down until the correct game number appears in the
bottom middle/left portion of the screen.
When you have selected the game number, press down the GAME RESET
switch to start the game. After pressing GAME RESET, the game number
changes to the number of the floor you are on in the house. All games
start on floor 1 at the main entrance. When the game is over, the
floor number changes back to the game number.
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