
introducing the cariuma x atari sneaker.

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Wireless Control

Atari Wireless Classic Joystick and Wireless Modern Controller featuring LED effects and rumble.
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Black Widow: Recharged

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Wireless Control

Atari Wireless Classic Joystick and Wireless Modern Controller featuring LED effects and rumble.

cariuma x atari

Five decades ago, Atari revolutionized the video game industry. The 70s saw the rise of arcades as a hangout, a date spot, a place to spend afternoons with iconic Atari games like Asteroids®️ and Pong®️. The Atari 2600 followed in 1977: the innovative console that set the stage for the future of home gaming and entertainment

celebrating 50 years

These special collaborative sneakers are made in the same way Atari approaches games—crafted with care, imagination, and a timeless aesthetic.